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Originally from Houston, TX, Lisa has been volunteering at the Greenhouse for "three tomato planting seasons" 

"I remember trying to plant a garden once and putting it in the shade because Houston is really hot. It was right next to where we buried the dog. Good fertilizer, but nothing came up!"

"I just do it because I like to do it, and because it makes me feel good and like I’m contributing something. I’m not sitting on my butt in front of the television or computer. I'm moving! I’m getting old, I can’t afford to get fat too!"

"I like making things look pretty and nice. It’s aesthetically pleasing to me. I’m a big flower person. If somebody plants something in the middle of the road somewhere I think it adds to the neighborhood. Even if it’s a crappy old neighborhood, it means someone’s taking care of it."

"I like being with the tomatoes by myself pruning. That’s my absolute all time favorite thing to do. I put on some music and prune away. It’s very cool."

"At the greenhouse, the people have really gotten with the program. I mean, it’s amazing. These are all community beds now. I think in the beginning they tried to make it something that would affect a larger group, and I don’t think that that worked out that great. I think this is really more of a neighborhoody thing. That’s the way I’ve always felt about it. People can walk up the street and come in here and interact."

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